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  • 07.12.2022

    Christmas – The Beautiful Fantasy

    There's no such thing as a perfect holiday season Society has largely agreed that Christmas is all about love and hope and family and togetherness. Yet, what many of us actually experience at Christmas is far from these ideals. We……

    Addiction, Family Support, Health and Wellbeing, Relationships

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  • 23.09.2022

    After a Relapse

    What to do if you or a loved one relapses A relapse into an addiction, an eating disorder, alcoholism, or mood disorder triggers, for many, a huge amount of fear and a range of intense emotions. Particularly in our close……

    Family Support

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  • 03.08.2022

    Tips for Managing When a Loved One is Suicidal

    Much of what is helpful when someone is suicidal is often counterintuitive, requiring considered responses, rather than instinctual reactions. In some ways, our power is limited when it comes to suicidality, and if we can accept that, we can engage……

    Family Support

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  • 03.08.2022

    For the Families who Love Someone Struggling with Addiction, Mental Health, and PTSD

    What the family need to know There are few things more distressing than watching someone you love head down a seemingly self-destructive path. Families and friends of those caught in the cycle of destructive behaviours often struggle to make sense……

    Addiction, Family Support, Health and Wellbeing, PTSD

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  • 03.08.2022

    What to Do When You Love Someone With PTSD

    Learning how to support someone with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is a journey of its own that can involve a steep learning curve and some personal growth. It’s important to remember that recovery from PTSD is possible, and people can go on……


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  • 03.08.2022

    Shame in the Addiction Process

    Renowned facilitator, therapist and trainer, Maria Dolenc highlights her experience and understanding of shame in the addiction process. Frequent connection is made between the role of shame in addiction, eating disorders and codependency. When the cycle of addiction and self-loathing are acted out without……

    Health and Wellbeing, Recovery

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  • 03.08.2022

    My drinking is problematic – what do I do?

    Alcohol consumption is so embedded in our culture, that just being born in Australia means you are twice as likely to exceed the recommended daily drinking guidelines than those who live overseas. While for some alcohol use is casual and……

    Health and Wellbeing, Recovery

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  • 03.08.2022

    Are you over involved in a loved one’s addiction?

    Despite having the best of intentions, it’s not uncommon for those supporting a loved one with an addiction to take on too much responsibility - and the most effective ways of supporting are often counterintuitive. Here are 7 indicators that……


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  • 03.08.2022

    Am I an Alcoholic?

    For many of us, the way in which this question is posed may result in a less than honest look at our drinking. When assessing ourselves against the term ‘alcoholic’ and what we believe it entails, it’s much easier to……

    Addiction, Recovery

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  • 03.08.2022

    Rehab – What are my options?

    Navigating the world of trauma, addiction and mental health treatment can be both daunting and overwhelming, especially at the most vulnerable time in one’s life. The aim of this piece is to break down in as simple form possible the……


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  • 03.08.2022

    3 Steps to Develop an Abundance Mindset

    The way we think about ourselves and the world around us has the power to impact the course of our lives. Overwhelming research shows a direct link between our mindset and how we adapt to stress, how we create our……

    Health and Wellbeing, Mindfulness

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  • 03.08.2022

    Who is Rehab For?

    What kind of people go to into treatment? Stereotypes might spring to mind of the chronic alcoholic, hotel-trashing musician, or the disgraced footballer; all bound by a common assumption that such people lack self-control or moral values, people who are……


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  • 02.08.2022

    Recovery for Veterans

    The transition out of military service to civilian life can be an incredibly challenging experience for many service members. One such challenge is unmet mental health needs, particularly post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Veterans are people who have made immense……

    PTSD, Recovery

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